COVID-19 Webinars and Resources
The COVID-19 Pandemic has presented ethics challenges for businesses and organizations throughout Canada. EPAC is addressing these challenges through a series of webinars they are either leading or assisting with. You can access these webinars on this page as they are held and added.
“Their” People: Pre-judging a Promotion
This EPAC webinar was a case study discussion. The short, realistic case is from the Ted Rogers Leadership Centre. Two co-workers are vying for the same promotion, but it turns out that they are not competing on a level playing-field – prejudice has entered the process. Our guide in discussing the ethical dilemmas and solutions will be the author of the case, Dr. Michael Baumtrog, Assistant Professor, Law and Business, Ryerson University,
Register for this webinar HERE
In Your Face: Ethics Issues in a Hiring Process
This EPAC webinar was a case study discussion. The short, realistic case is from the Ted Rogers Leadership Centre. During job interviews done online, one of the panelists secretly uses video recording and biometric software to assess candidates’ character. Dr. Chris MacDonald, Director of the Centre, will help us explore the ethical dimensions of such a situation.
First Webinar on COVID-19 Ethics Challenges for Organizations
On April 9, 2020, EPAC hosted a webinar to brainstorm about the ethical issues that Canadian organizations face internally, in services to clients, and in their broader social responsibility as a result of the COVID19 Pandemic. This is the first of what will be a series of webinars intended to help organizations of all types understand how to address, in an ethical manner, the various issues they will face as a result of this pandemic. 91 participants joined the webinar which was facilitated by Chris MacDonald, Business Ethics Professor at Ryerson University, and Robert Czerny, EPAC past-president.
Ce webinaire permettait les participants de réfléchir ensemble et d’échanger sur les défis éthiques auxquels les organisations canadiennes sont ou seront confrontées pendant la crise du Coronavirus. Il leur faut prendre en compte les relations internes et externes, le service à la clientèle et les responsabilités sociales dans un sens plus large. Une co-production du RÉOQ (Réseau d’éthique organisationnelle du Québec) et de l’APEC (Association des praticiens en éthique du Canada)
Ce Webinaire en français a eu lieu le 14 mai 2020.
Ethics in the New Normal: Getting Through and Beyond COVID-19
EPAC’s highly popular April 9, 2020 brainstorming webinar focussed on current ethics challenges in the COVID-19 period. Participants wanted more, so on May 19, 2020 EPAC hosted a webinar that looked to the post-COVID future:
What ethical challenges will arise when some organizations ramp up to resume their suspended operations, while others pivot in new directions? And how should ethics in organizations ‘ramp up’, or will it need to ‘pivot’ too? Will there be novel ethical issues in how to treat employees?
The facilitators were again Chris MacDonald, business ethics professor at Ryerson University, and Robert Czerny, EPAC Past President.
Resilience in the Face of Values Conflicts Triggered by the Virus.
The April 9th and May 19th webinars reflected on ethics in the context of COVID-19. They generated the greatest number of registrants and participants since EPAC began offering webinars in 2016. The interest in this topic has led a third session as part of EPAC’s Annual General Meeting. With a further focus on ethics as related to COVID-19, this webinar featured Dr. Mary Gentile, creator of “Giving Voice to Values”. Mary has done a number of webinars and a workshop for EPAC and as she is so good a doing, she generated interesting and informative conversations during this interactive webinar.