Shaken, Stirred and Strengthened: How Ethical Organizations Rebuild Trust after Difficult Times: Presenters’ Slides

EPAC held a half day workshop in Ottawa on 14 November 2012 entitled Shaken, Stirred and Strengthened: How Ethical Organizations Rebuild Trust after Difficult Times.

The workshop featured a panel of three:

  1. Captain Paul Catsburg, Royal Canadian Navy: Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces
  2. Lorna Lemay, Canadian Blood Services: CBS Rebuilding Trust
  3. Jim Mitchell, Sussex Circle

The speakers’ slides are attached below:

Captain Paul Catsburg, Royal Canadian Navy: Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces

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Lorna Lemay, Canadian Blood Services: CBS Rebuilding Trust

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EPAC - Ethics Practitioners’ Association of Canada | APEC - Association des praticiens en éthique du Canada

Promoting Ethical Knowledge, Wisdom and Competency in Canadian Organizations

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