EPAC Online Community of Practice – Join today!
Respecting the desire of members to engage with one another across the country, we have created an online Community of Practice (CoP) designed to make geography irrelevant.
The CoP is a member-driven vehicle for you, as an EPAC member, to share information, learn from peers, and discuss issues related to organizational ethics. You will be able to post and answer questions, share information and resources, promote events and video chat with one another at any time. The site was created as a private space to allow frank discussions.
The CoP is ready for you to join today. Once you’ve joined, it’s easy to introduce yourself and add any posts you think will interest other members. We have monthly real-time “hangouts” (a webinar discussion) on an organizational ethics topic.
Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to be part of EPAC’s online CoP. Here is what to do to join (don’t worry, it looks complicated, but it isn’t):
- Obtain a Google+ account (if you already have one, jump to step 3) by choosing “Create an account” at the bottom of this page: https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=oz&passive=1209600&continue=https://plus.google.com/?gpsrc%3Dgplp0
- Please choose a Google name that will easily identify you as a valid EPAC member.
- Sign in to your account: https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=oz&passive=1209600&continue=https://plus.google.com/?gpsrc%3Dgplp0.
- On the left side of your account home page, click the drop down menu from the heading “Home” and select “Communities”;
- On the right side of the Communities page find the: “Search for Communities” box and type: Ethics Practitioners’ Association of Canada
- On the next page click on the EPAC logo
- Select “Ask to Join”
- The request to join will come to EPAC and we will verify that you are a current EPAC member. If your Google+ account name will not easily identify you as a member, you will not be accepted into the CoP, so please email us at epacapec@gmail.comwith your information and Gmail address.
- When you are accepted you will be notified via your Google email account (…@gmail.com). You can check that online by signing into your account and clicking “Gmail” on top of page, or by adding/forwarding Gmail to your usual mail program.
- You can now sign into the CoP by signing into your Google+ account (choose +You on top of the Google search page, or add it to your bookmarks), clicking the Home page drop menu and choosing Communities. The Ethics Practitioners’ Association of Canada will be listed as one of your Communities.
- Enter the community by clicking on the name. Check out the existing postings and introduce yourself. Now you’re able to participate fully. It will be much easier from now on. Just remember step 10 for how to sign back in next time.
- If you have trouble joining, please email with your problem to epacapec@gmail.com, using your Gmail address.
We look forward to “meeting” you on the Community of Practice site. If you have any questions before you join, please do not hesitate to contact us at epacapec@gmail.com.