2023 EPAC AGM and Webinar

The Ethics Practitioners’ Association of Canada will be hosting their Annual General Meeting virtually on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. Beginning at 12 Noon and prior to the AGM Business Meeting, EPAC is proud to present the webinar
“Whistleblowing: an Update”
Whistleblowing never fails to garner keen interest. Who is right – the staff member who goes public with accusations of wrongdoing? Or the organization that proclaims that a more patient or reasonable person would have been satisfied with internal handling of the complaint?
This is a challenge in the public and private sectors, and everyone, whether as client or as citizen, has a stake in whistleblowing as an option for checking incompetence or misconduct. Our panel of two experts, Ian Bron and Sandy Boucher, have many years of experience in this subject. They will do an update on whistleblowing in the public and private sectors and point to insights that each sector can learn from the other.
Following the webinar, EPAC will host its AGM Business Meeting at 1:00 PM. Below are pre-read documents for the webinar and AGM Notice and other AGM documents for members to review.
To register for the webinar and AGM, please click HERE