EPAC-Sponsored Events

EPAC Webinar on April 28: “Towards a New Moral Economy: Ethics Essentials for Essential Workers during COVID”

When: Wednesday, April 28, 2021, from noon to 1:00 p.m. EDT
Cost: EPAC members attend our webinars free of charge. The usual price for non-members is $40 (students $15), but this time it’s ‘pay what you can’ after the webinar.
What challenges are workers – low-paid essential workers and others too – facing during COVID-19? What happens when there’s a difficult choice between health precautions, workplace needs, and... Read more >

Dec. 17 Webinar on “Public Service Ethics: What Do You Expect?”

When: Thursday, December 17 from noon to 1 p.m. EST
Cost: Free for EPAC members. Non-members will be invoiced $40 (students $25).
This past summer, conflict of interest was highlighted as a political and public service issue. Robert Czerny, our former EPAC president, channeled what he has learned about organizational ethics in... Read more >

June 18, 2020 Webinar with Mary Gentile

When: Thursday, June 18, 2020 from noon to 1:00 p.m. EDT.
Cost: Free for EPAC members. Non-members will be invoiced $40 (students $25).
  Our April 9th and May 19th webinars reflected on ethics in the context of COVID-19. They generated the greatest number of registrants and participants since EPAC began offering webinars in... Read more >

Ethics in the New Normal: Getting Through and Beyond COVID-19

When: Tuesday May 19, 2020 12 Noon to 1 pm
Cost: FREE

EPAC’s highly popular April 9 brainstorming webinar focussed on current ethics challenges in the COVID-19 period. Participants wanted more; so our next webinar will look to the post-COVID future:

What ethical challenges will arise when some organizations ramp up to resume their suspended operations, while others pivot in new directions? And how should ethics in organizations ‘ramp up’, or will it need to ‘pivot’ too? Will there be novel ethical issues in how to treat employees?

The facilitators will again be Chris MacDonald, business ethics professor at Ryerson University, and Robert Czerny, EPAC past-president. The webinar is offered free of charge to members and non-members alike.

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When Ethics Goes Viral: COVID-19 Challenges for Organizations (FREE webinar)

When: Thursday, April 9 from noon to 1 p.m. EDT.
Cost: Normally there is a charge for non-members, but this time EPAC is offering its webinar free of charge!
The coronavirus crisis is putting businesses and other organizations in many very tough spots. There are internal relationships to think about as well as services to clients and broader social... Read more >

Ethics and Complex Service Delivery: Vision and Challenge in an Immigration Services Office

When: Thursday, February 27 2020 from noon to 1 p.m. EST
Cost: The webinar is free for members of EPAC. Non-members will be invoiced $40 ($15 for students) after the webinar.
Delivering social services can become complicated, especially in situations of great stress and potential misunderstandings. Trauma, anxiety, language barriers and cultural differences are typical of... Read more >

“So Sorry”: November 2019 Webinar

When: Wednesday, November 27 from noon to 1 p.m. EST
Cost: Registration required. Free for members of EPAC. Non-members will be invoiced $40 ($15 for students) after the webinar.
First say “Sorry”: The legal framework for apologizing The ethical values of honesty and of respect and compassion for persons sometimes mean that an organization ought to apologize to persons... Read more >

Responding to Inappropriate Pressure: A ‘Giving Voice to Values’ Case Study (June 18 2019 Webinar)

When: June 18, 2019 (noon to 1 pm EDT)
Cost: The Webinar is free for members of EPAC. Non-members will be invoiced $40 ($15 for students) after the webinar. Registration is required.
Learn about “Giving Voice to Values” from its creator! On June 18, 2019 (noon to 1 pm EDT), Dr. Mary Gentile will be our webinar speaker and case study guide. The case, written by her GVV team,... Read more >

Webinar on Feb. 20: “Off Duty: Should Employers Punish Misbehaviour that Happens Off the Job?”

When: Wednesday, February 20, 2019 from noon to 1 p.m. EST
Cost: The webinar is free for members of EPAC. Non-members will be invoiced $40 ($15 for students) after the webinar.
Should employers be allowed, or even encouraged, to punish employees for wrongful behaviour off the job? Or should an off-duty employee’s behaviour be beyond an employer’s reach? This... Read more >

December 11 webinar – Through the Looking-Glass: Public Sector Ethics Now and Beyond

When: Tuesday, December 11 from noon to 1 p.m. EST. Please register by clicking on "Read more" link.
Cost: Registration required. Free for members of EPAC. Non-members will be invoiced $40 ($15 for students) after the webinar.

Join a discussion of foundations, current conditions and future directions in public sector ethics with Ralph Heintzman.

In this conversational and interactive webinar, Mr. Heintzman will respond to questions from our interviewer (Robert Czerny, past chair of EPAC) and to those posed by participants. This is a great opportunity to contribute your thoughts on the state of public sector ethics.

As vice-chair of the Tait Report (1996) working group, Ralph Heintzman helped to launch the current era of values and ethics in the federal public service. Subsequently he headed the government’s Office of Public Service Values and Ethics. He continues his interest in public sector ethics as a senior fellow in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa and of Massey College (University of Toronto). For instance, Mr. Heintzman addressed the EPAC conference on May 8 that examined the legacy of the Tait Report (see http://epac-apec.ca/tait-conference-materials/); and the June 22 edition of the Globe and Mail ran his commentary on the reaction of the Clerk of the Privy Council to the Auditor-General’s findings regarding the Phoenix pay system.

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Webinar on June 21 on “Code RED (Rapid Ethical Decision-Making): Insights from the Front Lines”

When: Noon to 1:30 Eastern time, Thursday June 21, 2018
Cost: Free to EPAC members, $40 to others ($15 to students).
“To act or not to act, that is the question” when faced with an emergency situation and there’s no time for calm deliberation. Must I? Should I? Will I?  Some situations are covered by SOPs... Read more >

May 8 Conference on “Ethical Standards, Culture and Leadership: ‘Back to the Future’ with the Tait Report”

When: May 8, 2018 from 8:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Doors open at 7:45.
Where: Amphitheater, Saint Paul University, 223 Main St., Ottawa
Cost: Until April 17: regular $200 ($175 for each of three or more from one organization); EPAC member $150; student $35. After April 17: regular $225 ($195 for each of three or more from one organization); EPAC member $165; student $40.
  Ethical Standards, Culture and Leadership:  ‘Back to the Future’ with the Tait Report Our full-day conference looking at John Tait’s 1996 report A Strong Foundation will take place at St.... Read more >

April 12, 2018 EPAC webinar on “Good Organizations, Bad Apples”

When: Thursday, April 12, 2018 from noon to 1:30 p.m., EST
Cost: Free to EPAC members, $40 to others ($15 to students)
The next EPAC webinar reflects the unfortunate rise in allegations of harassment, sexual misconduct and abuse of power in many sectors of society. Margaret Michaels, a highly experienced workplace... Read more >

Informal Lunch-time Round-Tables in Ottawa

When: Thursday, December 12, 2019 from noon to 1 p.m.
Where: Cooper's Gastropub, 25 Cartier Street, Ottawa (inside the Embassy Hotel)

Informal Lunch-time Round-tables in Ottawa

Our lunch-time round-tables are an informal get-together for networking and ethics discussion. We hold six per year, on different days of the week.

There are no set topics and the conversation covers whatever the participants wish. This is also an opportunity to share information with participants and make announcements about any ethics-related matters or events. There is no charge except what you choose for your lunch. Non-members of EPAC are welcome too. Please notify EPAC that you are coming at service@epac-apec.ca so that we can reserve sufficient places. Put the location and date of the event in the subject line of your email, as in “February 6 Round Table Ottawa”.  Looking forward to chatting with you.

November 29 Webinar on Civil Conversations about Ethics

When: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. EDT
Cost: Free to EPAC members, $40 to others ($15 to students)
A 2017 PEW Research Center U.S. survey shows that “the overall trust in government remains near historic lows”. Surveys conducted in Canada show that Canadians report a decrease of trust in... Read more >

Webinar on the Ombudsman Function

When: Noon to 1:30 p.m., June 23, 2017
Where: On-line (Webinar)
Cost: $40 for non-members, $25 for non-member students; free to EPAC members
How does an ombudsman office compare with other functions that help an organization to be true to its values and ethics? Our webinar will be led by two EPAC members of great distinction. Gregory J.... Read more >

EPAC Webinar on Whisteblower Systems held October 13, 2016

Whistleblowing: Managing Risks, Reducing Harm, Increasing Value

The purpose of this 90-minute webinar was to introduce members of organizations of all types and sizes to Whistleblowing Systems – a Guide. Published by the CSA Group in February 2016 and available free from CSA Group Communities, this Guide reflects research into best practices worldwide and applies it to Canadian contexts and conditions. The webinar dealt with the purpose, design and implementation of systems to encourage a culture of ‘speaking up’ where reports of suspected wrongdoing are used to manage risk, reduce harm and increase value. See the slides in “Resources – Articles”.

The presenters were Prof. Robert Shepherd of Carleton University and Sandy Boucher of Grant Thornton LLP, two of the main contributors to the Guide. Prof. Shepherd teaches in Carleton’s School of Public Policy and Administration; is President of the Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration; Past-Chair, Consortium of Universities for Evaluation Education; and author of the whistleblowing chapter of the upcoming revised version of Greene and Shugarman’s Honest Politics. Mr. Boucher is a specialist in fraud and corruption investigations. His investigator experience includes 12 years with the Royal Hong Kong Police and 17 years in the private sector.

June 2016 Webinar

Organisational Ethics and Bad Behaviour Investigations – Scorched Earth or Rebuilding?

Lawyer Kenda Murphy (Rubin Thomlinson LLP) brought insights from a proactive assessment of one organization’s harassment and discrimination policies and procedures before any type of PR or legal problem arose; and from the investigation of another organization where shortcomings became all too public. Change management consultant Margot Cameron amplified on how to evaluate constructive suggestions for change, achieve management buy-in and implement them. The slides from the webinar are now available in our Resources library.

April 2016 Webinar

“Charbonneau Commission Followup: Ethics Lessons for Quebec and Elsewhere”

See PPT slides here: Charbonneau Webinar April 2016 FINAL

The Charbonneau Commission spent four years looking into possible collusion and corruption in contracting and management of public contracts in Québec’s construction industry.  The Commission’s Report recommends better monitoring of public sector contracting, better support and protection of whistleblowers, and more internal expertise in organizations giving public contracts, such as the Transport Ministry; they also address the financing of political parties, ethical training for professionals, and the accountability of professional bodies.

Our speaker was Diane Girard, former director of EPAC and founder of RÉOQ, the Québec Organizational Ethics Network. Diane has been doing ethics training and consulting since 1997. She also teaches ethics at McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management.

“This was a high-quality webinar on the Charbonneau Commission. Good moderation. Interesting and topical content. Well-designed slides. Flawless interface that made audience participation easy”.  – James De Monte, Office of the Conflict of Interest Commissioner of Ontario

« Un gros merci à toute l’équipe qui a organisé le webinaire hier. J’ai vraiment aimé ce format. P.S. Je suis contente de vivre dans une province où les vilains ont plus de chance d’être arrêtés! »  – Monique Boivin, Gatineau (QC)


EPAC - Ethics Practitioners’ Association of Canada | APEC - Association des praticiens en éthique du Canada

Promoting Ethical Knowledge, Wisdom and Competency in Canadian Organizations

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