Webinaire de l’APEC le jeudi 9 juin 2016 : l’éthique au travail

Quand : Le jeudi 9 juin 2016 de midi à 13h30 HAE
Où : Inscrivez-vous auprès de l’APEC à https://willow.reg-system.com/WEBJUN9. Les personnes inscrites recevront des instructions de connexion et un lien.
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Enquêtes organisationnelles  sur les mauvais comportements éthiques – Tactique de la terre brûlée ou reconstruction?

*** MISE A JOUR: Ce webinaire est agréé par le Barreau du Haut-Canada comme «

activité educative admissible » pour l’exigence de formation professionnelle continue pour les avocats, les avocates et les parajuristes, soit 1h et 20m de professionnalisme et 10 minutes de droit de font. ***

Les organisations n’aiment pas laver leur linge en public. Mais même si leur linge sale échappe aux regards, les dommages et les préjudices existent bel et bien. En fait, il arrive que les organisations ne saisissent pas suffisamment bien les nuances que comportent  les relations avec le personnel. Elles ne se rendent donc pas toujours compte lorsque certains comportements se détériorent et pourraient devenir matière à une plainte de harcèlement ou de discrimination.

Qu’est-ce que les gens devraient savoir au sujet de l’éthique au travail? Comment les normes éthiques d’une organisation devraient-elles être établies? Comment les comportements souhaitables devraient-ils être encouragés et modelés? Maître Kenda Murphy (Rubin Thomlinson s.r.l.) mettra en lumière les leçons apprises comme suite à deux situations particulières, soit un examen proactif des politiques et des processus en matière de harcèlement et de discrimination d’une organisation avant que ne surviennent des problèmes médiatiques et juridiques, et une enquête menée auprès d’une autre organisation où les lacunes et les faiblesses du système ont malheureusement retenu une attention démesurée de la part des médias et du public. Margot Cameron, une consultante en gestion du changement, nous entretiendra sur la façon d’évaluer les suggestions constructives pour favoriser le changement, d’obtenir l’assentiment de la gestion et de réussir à les mettre en œuvre. Le webinaire sera en anglais avec rétroaction bilingue.

A propos de nos experts :

Kenda Murphy is a lawyer with over 20 years of experience in civil and criminal litigation. Over the course of her career she has been in private practice and worked in the public sector with the Public Prosecution Service, Department of Justice and Health Association Nova Scotia. Most recently Kenda was the Associate Director & Counsel of the Employee/ Labour Relations Unit at Queen’s University. Throughout her career, she has negotiated collective agreements on behalf of Employers in the acute care, continuing care, and university sectors. She has represented clients at all levels of courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada and the courts of Appeal in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and at various administrative tribunals.

At Rubin Thomlinson, Kenda conducts workplace investigations into harassment, bullying, poisoned workplaces, and Bill 168 complaints. Kenda also conducts workplace audits that delve into the underlying causes of low productivity, poor morale, communication issues, and interdepartmental conflict. Once investigations are concluded with a Fact Finding Report, with or without recommendations, Kenda remains available to her clients to work on the implementation of appropriate avenues of resolution including, but not limited to, restoration, mediation, and facilitation. Kenda is also able to deliver these services in French.

Kenda also assists her clients by providing training to staff at all levels on conducting workplace investigations and human rights issues in the workplace.  Past training sessions also include how to manage in unionized environments;  tracking and managing sick leave; performance management- how to and why; managing the grievance process; discipline and discharge; and internal policy review – the KVP test.

Kenda spent a number of years as part-time faculty at Saint Mary’s University where she taught Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations and is an accredited creator of the test bank and power point presentation for the 2nd, 3rd  and 4th editions of Fiona McQuarrie’s textbook, Industrial Relations in Canada.

Margot Cameron has consulted in strategic human resource and organizational issues for nearly forty years. Her clients have been principally in the federal government and the high tech industry. Margot’s particular skills lie in working with groups and individuals to help them effect changes in their organizations and in their lives and roles as managers or workers. Margot specializes in employee-based change, targeting team-based organizations and the creation of self-directed work teams. She employs a wide variety of psychological exercises, instruments, and personality assessment tools such as the Myers Briggs and the Birkman Method, to help people achieve effective working relations and personal stability. She combines this expertise in individual and group performance in organizations with a solid knowledge of strategic planning processes to support high impact strategic planning and the setting of new directions and strategic goals.

Margot has assisted management with change and communication strategy and advice, coaching on process and interpersonal issues, career transition, organization design and organization development issues, identification and integration of differing cultures, employee surveys, and strategic planning, particularly in the domain of human resources management. She has also done extensive work auditing human resource management systems.  Margot facilitates complex sessions, in either English or French as required.

En savoir plus >

APEC - Association des praticiens en éthique du Canada | EPAC - Ethics Practitioners’ Association of Canada

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